
Availability & Booking

Availability & Booking

Book Now!

Please use this online booking system for all future dates. You can check the opening times and available places .

Please note that we cannot accept telephone calls for future bookings.

We will only accept telephone calls for “on-the-day” bookings. If you wish to make an “on-the-day” booking, there may be availability, please check this by phoning us on 01733 351288.

This page contains all the essential info you need to pay & book for a single aquapark session, purchase a family or a group ticket, buy a special discounted ticket or Summer Pass, and enjoy your aquapark sessions. Please note that if the minimum number of participants has not been met in a session, we may contact you to see if you would be able to come at a session with more participants.

Fenland Aquapark Pay & Book

Step 1: To purchase a single participant or group session, please choose the type of Aquapark ticket you want – e.g.”Individual”, “4-People” , “Group of 10+” etc. Then you will see a calendar. Choose your time, check the number of places available at that time, and complete the booking.

Or if there is a query, call Fenland Aquapark Ltd at Gildenburgh Water on 01733 351288, and pay by card. Here are our participant & group prices.

2025 Prices

  • £25 per person.
  • £85 per group of 4 (i.e. £21.25 per person).
  • £21 per person for groups of between 5-10 people .
  • £20 per person for groups of between 11-20 people
  • We have special discounts on certain dates and times – Check out our “Discounted Aquapark Tickets”
  • We have a limited number of Summer Passes available with huge savings!

Step 2: when you pay, you will receive a booking confirmation. Please keep this safe (ideally on your phone). This is valid once for your aquapark booking.

Step 3: carefully complete the fields and boxes in the applicable Aquapark Booking Form below. Please make sure you write down all of the participants’ names if you are making a group booking.

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